TRIPLE EYE BV has started in 1993 as TRIPLE I VOF from the Marijkeweg in Vaassen.
TRIPLE I stands for Inventions , Innovations and Ideas with the slogan "From idea to product"
Customers can ago to TRIPLE EYE BV for all fases in the product development proces. Also the guiding of production and transportation to the customer was, and still is, part of our daily activities.
Together with our partners in the field of electronic assembly, mechanical engineering and industrial design we offer this complete package to our customers.
Because of strong growth of our activities and productlines we decided to move to our current location at the Vaassenseweg in Emst.
Besides developing products for third parties TRIPLE EYE BV is active in developing and maintaining own productlines. Our focus is within the segment of "Security Management". These productlines consists of proximity readers, controllers, attribute- and keymanagement systems and management software. To make this possible TRIPLE EYE BV has all the nescessary diciplines available in the field of hardware, software and mechanics.
These productlines are distributed by selected and specialised partners. On daily basis organisations likw prisons, airforce bases, Prisons of Police, hospitals and elderly care building use our products.
In the recent years TRIPLE EYE BV has become a partner of various well known companies like Tyco Integrated Fire & Security BV and Nemef BV. (Assa-Abloy)
In the coming years TRIPLE EYE BV will focus on growth. Growth in products and productlines. In that proces TRIPLE
EYE BV wants to be a partner that offers solutions in continuous changing environments.