TiSM is the Security Management productline of TRIPLE EYE. TiSM stands for TRIPLE I Security Management This productline delivers a hard- and software platform for Integrated Security Management . The diagram below depict the various disciplines that are integrated within TiSM.
The TiSM infrastructuur is built on various productgroups such as proximity, IO-modules, Concentrators and Management software. Besides these productgroups also other products like Key- and Attribute Management System can be added to the TiSM infrastructure.
With the TiSM products various infrastructures can be built that , depending on the wishes and demands, consists of 1 or more layers. The most basic infrastructure can exist of IP proximity readers , connected directly to the LAN and managed by TiSM PC 10.
1-layer TiSM infrastructure
The configuration depicted right delivers a complete access control system. Every IP reader is provided with a relay and a doorsensor input so that the door is driven and signalled direct from the IP reader. Because the IP readers are provided with their own specific userdatabases, every reader stays operating stand-alone, even in case the connection with the LAN is offline.
An other 1-layer infastructure can be formed with a RCUplus controller panel.
The proximity readers are connected direct with the RCUplus panels. The readertype that is used depends on the chosen combi. Both the RCU2plus as the RCU4plus are provided with a RS485 interface. On this interface multiple readers with a RS485 interface are connected. In case of the RCU2plus maximum 4 and in case of the RCU4plus maximum 8 readers can be connected.
For example the Miprox PR24 and PR26 can be used a RS485 reader. The RCUplus is provided with a TTL-interface. On this interface readers with an OMRON or WIEGAND interface are connected.
The second RS485 interface of the RCUplus\RCU2plus and RCU4plus combi is meant to connect with the Security Management Systeem above. To connect this interface direct with the serial port of the server a RS485 to RS232 converter is used often. A possble model the MA-45 of Westermo.
With this serial interface the complete TiSM infrastructure is configured, monitored and managed.
2-layer TiSM infrastructure
Depending on the system requirements , for example the use of "Global Anti Pass Back" or "Timeschedules" it is possible that the system has to be built based on a 2-layer infrastructure. In that case a RCU as concentrator with a SICOM\ SICOM2plus\SICOM4plus or MASIO as IO-Module is used.
The readers are connected with 1 of the connected IO-Modules. The reader type depends on the used IO-Module. In case of the SICOM2plus and SICOM4plus readers with a RS485 interface are connected.
An other demand can be that "Conditional Anti Pass Back" has to be implemented. With help of this functionality the system can be configured in such a way that the granting of access at a door depends on the presence of a key or attribute in a Key management or Attribute Management System.
In that case the Key management or Attribute Management System is connected between the concentrator and IO-module.
The configuration left depicts how such a configuration is realised. Every locker in an Attribute Management Systeem is connected , based on the RS485 interface, with the Locker Management Unit. This LMU is connected with 1 of the connected IO-modules below the RCU.
1-layer TiSM RF infrastructure
In order to configure and manage the THOMAS escutcheon , an infrastructure is realised based on TiSM Access Points. See right. These THOMAS Access Points are connected direct to the LAN. Besides the THOMAS escutcheon also Radaris Evolution escutcheon's and BRONDOOL prison cel escutcheon's are managed with this TiSM RF infrastructure.